September is Healthy Aging Month. Here are some tips for longevity.
To celebrate staying healthy well into the Golden Years, September has been designated as Healthy Aging Month! It's a great opportunity to take stock of ways to go into the fall and winter months with a plan for maintaining the fresh eating and active lifestyle you've been enjoying all summer. If the summer wasn't full of good aging-minded habits, Healthy Aging Month can be a perfect time to embrace new habits.
So, how should you use Healthy Aging Month to get "forever young" in 30 days? Take a look at what promotes healthy aging.
1. Be Consistent with Exercise
While hearing that exercise is crucial for healthy aging may feel repetitive, it's worth repeating because consistent exercise is one of the best ways to significantly lower your risk of disease. Exercise has been linked with decreased risks for heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, and cancer. The goal to aim for is either 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity. For older adults, activities that incorporate balance training into aerobic and muscle strengthening exercises are especially beneficial!
2. Embrace a Hobby
Finding a hobby is one of the best healthy brain aging tips because it fosters a sense of purpose. According to a 2016 study, spending one or more hours per day engaging in hobbies
may help protect against dementia in late life. In addition to keeping the brain sharp, trying new hobbies create a sense of purpose that has been shown to increase longevity and healthy life expectancy among older adults.
Many people are able to maintain robust cognitive function into their senior years by adopting a lifestyle that blends mental exercise with brain health supplements. A popular option is a supplement called Dihexa which has been shown to boost cognitive function, support brain health, and may even be able to help in the prevention of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
3. Focus on Sleep
Not getting enough sleep or poor-quality sleep can cause all kinds of problems from memory issues to weight gain. As you get older, it can be harder to get a good night’s rest. The good news is that there are plenty of things that you can do to address sleep issues. You can try a healthy aging product like Trim PM, which contains ingredients that promote sleep.
You can also get better sleep by developing good sleep habits, such as practicing yoga or other relaxation techniques before bed, creating a calming, restful space, and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule.
4. Understand Your Stressors
Research published in Translational Psychiatry has found that chronic stress ages you faster. The same study found that emotional regulation is associated with longevity and healthier aging. Therefore, it’s important to understand what things cause stress.
Once you identify your stressors, you can then find ways to help you cope with stress, such as by practicing yoga or engaging in exercise. You might also try calming amino acids like magnesium, which have been found to help reduce tension.
5. Keep up with Medical Visits
One of the most important healthy aging tips for seniors is to keep up with regular medical appointments. Many seniors wrongly assume that they can become relaxed about routine checkups because prevention isn't possible after a certain age. In reality, regular checkups can help you to stay on top of your health, feel your best, and potentially catch problems before they become serious.
In addition to seeing a regular care practitioner, it's also important to book checkups with a dentist, eye doctor, and any specialists you've seen in the past for chronic issues.
Final Thoughts
Getting older doesn't mean that you will have to resign yourself to having a ton of medical issues. Healthy Aging Month provides 30 days to turn around your health for the rest of your life! The tips above are great starting points for fortifying your brain and body against some of the avoidable side effects of aging. Use them to see if you can feel younger on Sept. 30 than you did on Sept. 1!
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